
Skin: [Al Vulo! Skin] - [ miha ] - [ pink peach ]
Pants: Izzie's - Plain Denim Jeans noir
Jacket:  Izzie's  - Velvet Blazer taupe
Bracelet:  Izzie's  - Bangles silver black
Top:..:: Legal Insanity ::.. White Tank Top
Face tatoo: URCo.>Stars Face Tattoo< New
Necklace: {*I <3 FashiOn*} Teddy - Necklace
Bag: *LpD* - *The chic Snake* Bag  Brown
Shoes: *LpD*  - *Cheers* Shoes Brown
Belt: ~Pepper~ Fishy Belt Glitter

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__Bonita__ - B L E U - - piccara - - Public Enemy - - YuMad - -[AddiCt]- -ATTIC- -Bc- ; Maitreya -J.I.N.X- -Lowlife- -POUDRE- :: Masha :: ::::Fab-U-Lous:::: :::LiNe::: :::LP::: ::.You Lucky ThinG.:: ::[annaA]:: ::AlterEgo:: ::Cherry Drops:: ::EM:: ::HINAKO ::Modish:: ::Poised:: ::RA:: ::SC:: ::SenSatioN:: ::VMC:: ::VoluptuousDollz: :[[CaKe]][ :FANATIK: :Z.S: ?why Embrace .:: [F]uchOn ::. .:: DELISH ::.;+*HS*+ .:: Fear Us ::. .::D0LLz::. .::Mother Goose's:: .::Mother Goose's::; [Po-Oh] 4 BeLoTe .::Mother Goose's::;Miss C .::YeR::. .::YoPulga::. .:cheeky:. .:ST:. .:TWA:. .:Useful Things:. ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. ..:: Energie ::. ..::: JuSt CoOl :::.. ..::DeliciouS::.. ..:Perle ...:::InkMe:::... .{PSYCHO:Byts} .+*HS*+. "B.I.P" ( R E D ) M I N T [ BarmaleY ] [ BuFu ] [ DNA ] [ Excellence ] [ JP ]:dsg. [ Z U L U ] [-BLUE SKY-] [-p-] [:: JesyDream :: [:SeV:] [[SHADE THRONE]] [Angelic Tattoo] [Bamboo] Nails [BORN.REBEL] [Chloe] [chuculet] [Diktator] [DoLLsHiT] [elikatira] [Exiled Inc.] [Foppish] [frenzy] [GENRE] [GOLA] [IN]Sight [IntouChaBle]] [label mode] [LoveMe Skins] [M.o.w] [MAGIC NOOK] [MANDALA] [MC] [Medley] [Motivaction] [MyDear] [nn] [PF] [R3] [ROCKBERRY] [SaKrO] [SHIPWRECKED] [YOON SKIN] { Suicidal Kiss } {-REIGN-} {AIMI} {Elygo} {H.Hair} {ViSion} -Se;F - * .:: deeR ::. * * CapRi * * Diamond Avatar* *{SeVeredPOSE}* *** Just You Jewels *** ***GIULIA DESIGN*** **Angelic Lefevre Couture **GizzA** **Stash** **Violicous** **voodoo** *Anymore *BeReckless* *C* *chronokit* *Dura Hair* *Fishy Strawberry* *L.inc* *Nodoka* *SEXY BISH* *Splash* *Step inSide* *Sumomo* *Tentacio* *v-R* *VERSHE* *VEXTRA FASHION* \\Le' Boom// + eX + +9 +HUHU+ +PAZZESQUE+ =krautuve= ~ CoLoReTa's ~.:.Hysteria.:.~ ~*~PD~*~ ~*Unicorn Dreams*~ ~Cysleek =^.-=~ ~SkinDoctor~ $$ - NyTrO - $$ 1 hundred 1965 1mm 2Real 4u.Hair 69 7 Deadly s{K}ins 7891 7Style 99 hair 9ty A.M.K.R abs Acide action hair AD Creation Addams Admiral Adoness AeM AITUI Al Al vulo Alice Project Amacci american bazaar AMERIE analog dog Anaphora ANEXX Angel AOHARU Apple May Design Apple Spice Arenesmee ashmoot ASO ATHOR atomic atro patena AV avale AViSAGE ayashi Bad Romance baii maii Balkanik BB BC BDN Beautiful Dirty Rich BellePoses belleza Belote beusy BEZ Biasta birdy Blackburns blackfeet blah Blanche' s Boutique BLAST bleu BND bomshie boof boon BSD bts bub Bubblefish Bubblez design BUID BUKKA Bullwinkle buried burley C.E C' est la vie calypso giano candydoll Carisma Catwa CENSORED CH chandelle ChiChickie clawtooth Clothfull COCO coepio corvus CS CT Cubesphere curio cynful DADAbeiz :: DAMNED Dandy Dark and burn darla death row designs decolores inc deesses DEF DELICTUM Delirium Style delusions DESIGNER CIRCLE dew DirtyLand Diva hair Diva's Closet divine dollz DP drd DROP DuH eaters coma Eden Egoisme Elacor elixir elmont EM emery EMOtions emporium Endless pain tatoo envious envogue epic eskimo fashion essences EUPHORiUM EXILE Expensive EY:NO Eyelure F'N'HawT F9 FAB.PONY facella Faces Studios Fallin'dolls Fameless Fashion style fe style Fear yourself fiend Filthy Filthy ; Maitreya Fir e MNA FJ flaunt flite Fluffie's Designs Fly Lily FNKY focus poses Frenzy fri.day Furore FV gallant Ghoticatz glam affair Glamorize glue ink go GoK Goth1c0 Graffitiwear graph gravity skins GSM H.LUZZA h.m.a.e.m H.O.J. Handmade hank HCIT HD HEDO Holly Pocket hope's hot stuff House of Fox HUFF HUIT hush HY i I love Fashion IAF iBoobs id ILAYA illmatic Illusory Imbue imerts impolite IN]Sight inaya india inteded ipoke IREN ITGIRLS Izzie's Izzie's. Poison j's je suis Jesylilo JINX'D INC julys juxtapose k k rea k-code kapone Katcide. Katsucide kennedy' s KF kharma kik kiki designs Killa skins KIM KLETVA KlubWerK kokane koketka KOKO KOKOIA KOSH KRASOTA Kristica kyoot L.E L' exception L`Exception La Malvada Mujer label mode label motion lamb laq Lara Hurley lark Latreia lau lavandachic* Laviere LE FORME Le Lolo le primitif le*se league Legal Insanity legit Lelutka Lemur Leo-nt les primitif lethal couture liliskins little bones LK lmb Lo*momo logo Lola Creation lolapop loop LoQ love hair Love soul loveme LpD Lucca Lush Lutimez lyric M-NUS M.H.M Maai Mad design hair madeleine Madi's Secrets Magika Maitreya MAKNIE;AKEYO;TMT; BND Mamis maria design MarieDoll marukin May's Soul mayden couture me MGS MHM miasnow miel milana milk Mina hair Miss C Miss Canning Missnoise_style MM5 Rock moi moi MOJO mon cherry mons moon Mortality MotionLess Mr poet msn design Mstyle Muka munique Muse mushie mystic canvas Mystique N-core nana nani NICE TO BE NikitaFride nn normak not so bad NS:: NV nyt O A S I S Ohara Ohmai Emporium olive ordinary Orion orsini P I N K lipGloss P.i.X.X.i.S P10 Pade Burre Panda punx paperbag PARADISIS PC pe pekka Pelle Pepper peqe pera PHILO Phoenix Rising Pichi Pididdle pink acid Pink Star Pivacaa ploom Plume Poison pop art pose maniacs PP PR pr!tty PrincessD PUMEC Pumpkin pure poison Purple Pose PurPur Rag Doll RAMA RaMa RoWanberry Ravens RAW HOUSE razor rb RD Rehab REILA SKIN repulse Rertry Rerty Retrò RH ricielli Riddlebox rivendell RMA rohini Romance;Villena;Pepper; P10 Ronsem ROOTS rotten defiance RT rumina SAB SaBBIA sabotage Sacred Roses SAKIDE santo Sassy sativa SB scrub SeC seven Severed Garden shadz Shag Sheep Door SHEY SHINE SHOCK SHUSH Simplecandy siss boom SLC sleepy eddy slink smexy SN SNG so E so soonsiki Sorry Asia soul Sour Pickles Southpaw sp Spirit Store SS stormCrow Stycky Fingers Style by Kira Style X sugar sugasmack Sukka SuPerBia Swaggy swallow sweet antidote Sweet Bites sweet distraction sweet leonard sweet Lilly Sweet sin tatoo Sweet Than Candy sweeTartz T. Combat Tameless Tara tb TDR Tea Time Tee*fy TEN10 tenjin Thalia' S Fashion THD The Niven Collection the abyssis The Attic The Bishes Inc The Death The Sea Hole The secret store The sugar garden TmT toxic bish tPb trs Truth TS tsaorie tsg twins fashions Ty U.one UBU UD URCo Urf Urf utopiah v3Tatoo vantelli vg Villena Villena;Pepper;Catwa vive9 wall flower wasabi pills weapons R us weird welldone WeR wertina whatever willow . willow Tokidoki woot wow skins wunderland X-Ray X-Ray PURPLE POSE X.Z. Fashion XC e Reeb's Xplosion XuXu xxxtasi yassine hair style yellow berry yulice yummy Yuna's hair Zenith zibska

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Hi.. My name is Kiara.. I'm a italian blogger.. i love to wear trendy clothes..and create new outfit... if you want to send me new releases or something else feel free to drop me folder inworld ;) Tyyy!!!!

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